
Welcome the the Rhode Island History Blog. I chose to start this weblog because I had heard about people and places of Rhode Island but could not find out that much about them. The toughest question I have gotten so far is, "what is Duby's Grove and where is it?"
About the only thing I could find about it was that it was an amusement park along the Pawtuxet River, in Warwick and that it had a train station (see http://www.historythroughphotos.com/RR_Depots/Railroad_Depots_D.html ).
Got anything on Crescent Park - when it was active?
who was dubys grove named after ?
The name of Duby's Grove was named after the Owner William T Duby. The now defunct Warwick RR. Built around 1873 and 74, went by this location. This RR was built to go from Downtown Prov Train Station to Buttonwoods RI in Warwick. It also had a spur line that went to Rocky Point Park.
The Warwick Historical Society has a great loose leaf booklet with many pictures and maps of this entire RR and all the stops along the way. Was researched and written by the late Don D'Amato, Henry A.L. Brown and David R. Tremblay. The title is "The Warwick Railroad and Villages Along the way." Duby"s grove mainly was part of the Quinnobequin Golf Club with a base ball field, Clam bake house,canoe and row boating on the Pawtuxet River. It was a place for company outings. Had a dinning hall and was so popular the RR built a small Duby's Grove Train station and stop at this location. The facility is long gone, but was located directly across the street from Shaws on Warwick Ave on the Warwick side of the River.
Your right and the Grove had the best clam chowder and lobsters you ever wanted. And all thanks to Grace Inman and her family. I used to work there...N. Hilton
Remnants of the Grove were still there when I was a kid.on warwick side of pawtuxet river. Across from Shaws mkt warwick av.
Dennis G.
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